One of my most enduring collections has been collecting plastic premiums. I've collected and saved quite a few in the past 35 years. If you'd like to have a look at some of my most favorite sets that I've managed to collect visit the sites below.
All the photos and scans you see on this site are my own. If you like them feel free to download them for your personal use. You have my permission. If you use anything here in a publication or other document I would appreciate the courtesy of acknowledging the source as being from "The Astronit Collection." Thank you.
With this in mind I'd like to take the time to acknowledge some of the
people who helped me amass this shrine to cereal plastic;
MY MOTHER who started me down this path. And My WIFE who allows
me to indulge in this excess.
Tim Q. who may never know his part in all of this madness.
Kevin M. of the Freakie Magnet,
who rekindled my spirit.
Tim K. the Freakie King
and good buddy.
Craig H. a kindred spirit living faraway.
And of course David D., Ken T., Jim R., Aaron S., Guy H., Scott B., and a special thanks to a
nameless wonder living downunder who has provided me so many fine premiums so
that I can share them with you.
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